When I'm not teaching, and I take a class as a student, I've been tending to really enjoy an intense, challenging, power/Ashtanga blend practice. Which means sweating like crazy during class. I ride my bike there in the Atlanta heat, so I'm hot before we even get started. Afterwards, I'm walking on air - I can feel a marked difference in my body- more space in areas where there was tension before.
My parents gave me a Yogitoes Deity Towel for my birthday. Yogitoes are great for any practice where you generate a lot of heat, or if you tend to have slippery palms. Topside is towelling and the backside is covered in eco-friendly silicone nubs that grip your yoga mat so it stays well anchored. My Yogitoes is silkscreened in gold with the image of Kali Ma, up at the top, for your drishti, or focus point. Kali Ma is The Black Goddess who takes the darkness away from devotees who strives in the path of perfection. A portion of the proceeds from the Deity towels, and there's a rainbow of colors and gods/goddesses, goes to various international charitable organizations. I've been "needing" a Yogitoes for a while now, making do with a little camp towel, and instead of snapping one up, I waited for my birthday, so it would be a special treat, reminding me of my fab parents, and useful gift.
I believe, that as people are becoming more conscious in their consumer choices, that they are going to be more selective in their purchases, and look for products that are meaningful to them. Eco-friendly products are a priority, and also the practices and the values of a company is going to be a greater consideration in purchasing. Overall, I've been trying to purchase less and when I do buy, to buy quality, optimally of an artisanal level made in the USA in a conscious way, maintaining what I have by reworking, reusing and recycling. It seems like this movement is growing, and I think that is a positive change.