Thursday, April 3, 2008

ode to boo and spooky

we have 3 dogs, all of them rescue dogs, two are "sisters", beautiful junkyard shar pei pit bull mixes that someone in our neighborhood abused and then abandoned. Despite their bad reputation, Doug took them in about 7 years ago, (we were dating at the time) and they were mean, mean, mean. Strangely enough, their names were Petite and Babette. Doug changed their names to a more befitting Spooky and Boo. Upon meeting me, Spooky promptly bit me in the leg - from behind- a sneak attack. Luckily things went uphill from there and with a stable home, regular meals, nature hikes, and lots of love, the girls have mellowed out considerably. A sneak attack is more like dogbreathy licking. Dog #3 is a ridiculous Katrina rescue puppy, a small wirehaired terrier mix that runs circles around the big girls. More on him later.

our dogs expand my heart constantly. this quote, by the Dalai Lama, on people, animals, and our big, happy planet:

the creatures that inhabit this earth--be they human beings or animals--are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world.

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