Tuesday, November 17, 2009

yoga at home: free your spine

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical attention. Luckily, for minor issues, there are ways to decompress the spine and improve the health of your back on your own.

For more experienced yogis, inversions like Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand) or Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) can help. But even beginners can enjoy the benefits of space in the spine. One of the best ways to counter the effects of gravity is to simply let the spine hang free.

Find a table or a bed in your home that is higher off the floor that the height of your torso. Then lie face down on the edge of the bed or table so that the tops of your thighs are supported while your entire torso hangs to the floor. Relax your back, your arms, and your neck. Allow your body to go completely limp. Breathe deeply and remain for several minutes. When you emerge, you'll feel taller and less tense in your spine.

(from Yoga Journal)

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