Tuesday, March 11, 2008


one of my 2008 mantras.  in my 20s, i used to be thirsty all the time. i had a nalgene water bottle i was constantly filling up and taking with me everywhere. somehow that trailed off, and now i have to keep reminding myself to hydrate more. some days i am just having a few gulps all day long, and that's troubling.

Water is a curative element for headaches, stomachaches, low-energy levels, and general malaise. It's key to a healthy immune system and for efficient body function. Most of us are walking around dehydrated all the time because of all the sugar and caffeine we consume. Often, when we think we're hungry, we're actually dehydrated!

now i have one of those stainless steel SIGG bottles that i recommend - i like the way water tastes coming from it, very fresh. i guess now there are studies that plastic bottles may leach a bit into the water, which sounds like a bad idea, and stainless is supposed to safer. SIGG has all kinds of groovy silkscreened bottles, and though it's rather expensive for a water vessel, if you are mindful and don't leave it behind at the gym or yoga studio, it will last a long time. According to their website "Using a premium reusable bottle like SIGG greatly helps reduce unnecessary environmental waste caused by plastic PET water bottles. Sadly, Americans add over 30 million plastic water bottles to our nation's landfills – everyday!" On the website you can choose the design you like best with the top that works best for you.

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