Thursday, February 12, 2009

releasing tension

Do you ever notice yourself holding the telephone or a steering wheel with a death grip, or scrunching your face, squinting your eyes when staring at a computer screen? Carrying a big handbag, briefcase, or computer bag on the same shoulder? Our unconscious habits can lead to chronic tension, muscle fatigue, and soreness in the wrists, arms, shoulders, neck, and face, which can increase stress and make you feel depleted.

As you practice yoga, you begin to notice where you hold tension. It might be in your tongue, the muscles of your face and neck, or commonly, shoulders.If you simply tune in, you may be able to release some tension in those spots, leading to a more harmonious practice. In class, I often remind my students to melt the shoulderblades down the back, to relax shoulders away from the ears when arms are extended, and to soften and breathe rather than muscle through the more difficult poses. Then, as you move off the mat, remind yourself to soften and breathe into those areas in "real life."

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